Frequently asked questions
- Can I buy a retail treasury bond on the secondary market?
- Easier Treasury Bills Orders
- What are bonds?
- What does it mean to tokenize a bond?
- What are treasury bills?
- What is a Retail Treasury Bond?
- What is the difference between Retail Treasury Bonds and Treasury Bills?
- What types of bonds are available on PDAX?
- How do I purchase bonds?
- How do I set up a Bonds account?
- What are the relevant dates that I should be aware of?
- How do I interpret the bond pair name and subtext?
- Can I place buy orders more than once?
- Are bonds subject to tax?
- What is the minimum and maximum investment amount per trade?
- Where can I find the bonds I purchased on the PDAX app?
- How do I cancel my buy orders?
- Can I sell my bonds after purchasing them?
- What does it mean when my bonds are tagged as “ordered”?
- Why wasn't my bond issued immediately upon ordering?
- How does bond awarding work?
- What is an award email?
- Why was I awarded a smaller amount of treasury bonds than my buy order?
- What does it mean when my bonds are tagged as “issued”?
- What is the confirmation of sale on a primary market?
- When will I receive the proceeds of my bonds?
- How does the auction process work?