For the safety of our users, please read the following regarding an incident with PDAX’s official Facebook page:
What happened to the official PDAX Facebook account?
We detected unusual activity on the official PDAX Facebook account and we are now working with Facebook to fix the issue. In the meantime, the page will remain inactive until the issue is resolved.
What should I do? Is there anything I should be worried or cautious about?
Please disregard any suspicious ads or messages you may receive or might have received from the PDAX Facebook account or parties who claim to be from PDAX starting 28 Jan 2023. PDAX will not contact any of its users through Facebook Messenger and will never ask you to share any private or sensitive information including passwords.
To further ensure your protection, you may take additional measures such as updating and securing account passwords and enabling multi-factor authentication.
For any suspicious messages you may receive, please report it to
Do I need to report any suspicious activity directly to Facebook?
PDAX is already closely coordinating with Facebook regarding the issue. Please direct any suspicious activity to us and report it to
Is my PDAX account safe?
Your PDAX account is not connected to the official PDAX Facebook page in any way. Should you be contacted asking for details regarding your PDAX account, please report it immediately.
Where should I go for the latest updates on PDAX?
In the meantime, you may visit to keep updated with the latest crypto news and happenings.